Thinking Skills
In considering the importance of Thinking Skills in the Northern Ireland Curriculum we have embarked on an ambitious programme of staff and curriculum development with the ultimate aim of becoming known as a ‘Thinking School’.
A Thinking School can be defined simply as an educational community in which all members share a common commitment to giving regular, careful thought to everything that takes place.
Throughout the school our children make use of Edward de Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats. These thinking tools are used to structure and expand thinking. We have developed a line of progression in thinking which provides opportunities for children to make use of a range of thinking tools and approaches which are based on research of how the brain works, including tools developed by the Cognitive Research Trust and David Hyerle’s ‘Thinking Maps’. These tools, once learnt, can be applied throughout the curriculum and in any area of life.
We run an annual ‘Thinking Week’ Event, where children are challenged to put our Thinking Skills and Tools into action. Every year we are amazed by the high levels of thinking demonstrated by our pupils.