Hello everyone, Mr. Johnson here! P6 have had a brilliant term learning all about the Vikings. We learned about the different types of weapons they would have used and how they were used for much more than just fighting! We even made our own shields and swords too!
We learned all about the Lindisfarne raid in 793 AD, how it was a significant moment in British history and the start of the Viking era in England. We took our time to write amazing newspaper reports on the raid.
The Vikings weren't all about fighting and raiding! They also enjoyed eating yummy food, and we made pancakes and butter the way they would have all those years ago!
Fun with coordinates and negative numbers
We love having practical lessons and recently we have been inspired by the game "Battleships" and having been using it to help us practice working with negative numbers, coordinates and even our spellings!
P6 Viking Day!
P6 has a brilliant day being Vikings! They dressed up in realistic Viking costumes, reenacted a Viking battle, made pancakes over a fire and designed Viking brooches!
Making Viking butter!